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Kiss, kiss: Cool facts on Youtube about kissing

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There's much more to a kiss than the meeting of mouths

MANILA, Philippines – Never been kissed? Well, you better do something about that, because kissing is definitely one of the most intense – and interesting – acts two people can do. It’s so important, in fact, that July 6 has even been deemed International Kissing Day! 

Apart from celebrating this day giving your special someone a big, fat smooch, you should try to learn more about the act itself, too. There’s quite a lot to know, considering that kissing is one of those things any person in the world, no matter where they’re from or how they were brought up, understands as a show of affection. 

Fortunately, Youtube’s treasure trove of science videos includes quite a few about kissing, from the heartwarming, to the unexpected, to the downright gross. Why not take a break from MOMOL time with your partner and watch these videos with them? It’s (almost) just as fun! 

1) Sci Show: First Kisses

Did you know that humans are the only animals with fully exposed lips? Crazy! Learn more:


2) VSauce: Why Do We Kiss?

An average person will spend 20,160 minutes of their life kissing! More:


3) Gillette: Are We Killing the Kiss?

What turns you off in a kisser? Keep this in mind while watching this:


4) Alltime10s: 10 Curious Facts about Kissing

Where does the word ‘kiss’ even come from? Find out:


5) The Wing Girls: How to French Kiss

Do you really know how to French Kiss? Watch this first:


Which trivia tidbit interested you most? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below! –

Kissing couple image from Shutterstock

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