#HalloweenTransformation: What’s your scariest look?

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#HalloweenTransformation: What’s your scariest look?
We're giving the recently viral makeup transformation meme a spooky twist. Upload your own meme using #HalloweenTransformation and we'll feature the best ones!

MANILA, Philippines – It’s that time of the year again when it’s all right to show the world how truly horrific your looks can get.

What better way of showing this than with a clever transformation collage? Make-up transformations usually show the creative road to looking like a glamorous celebrity, but, this Halloween, we’re giving it a spooky twist and heading down the road of monsters and villains.

The challenge

Much like the recently viral #MakeUpTranformation meme, you are given 3 panels to show your transformation process, and a 4th panel showing your ultimate look.

Some netizens have done theirs! Upload your own meme using #HalloweenTranformation and we’ll feature the best ones:

So get creative and show the Internet how you intend to scare the world this Halloween! – Rappler.com

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