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Samsung shows off 85-inch bendable TV

Michael Josh Villanueva

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Samsung gives users a glimpse into the future of TVs, shows off 85-inch bendable TV and 105-inch curved UHD

BENDABLE TV. Samsung demoed a TV that can transform from flat panel to curved display. Photo by Rappler / Michael Josh Villanueva

LAS VEGAS, USA – While the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2014) in Las Vegas is a great venue for technology companies to launch new devices, it is also the place to show off new innovations – proof of concepts that are not necessarily ready for primetime, but are a foretaste of what’s to come. 

Samsung isn’t a stranger to these high-tech teases. Last year at CES 2013, it showed off Youm flexible displays and hinted that one day, our smartphones and tablets could have screens that could fold in two. 

In 2014, it brought along an 85-inch bendable Ultra High Definition (UHD) TV to show and tell. 

While curved TVs have been around for a while, this particular TV is a flat screen that can bend at will. During the demo at their CES 2014 event, we saw a regular flat screen transformed into a curved display with the press of a button. You cringe a little when you see that being done to a TV but it seemed to survive quite well. 

Samsung says users will benefit from various viewing options. Some will argue this is just a marketing gimmick, but at CES 2014, curved TVs abound. 

Samsung says curved TVs are the future, creating depth and giving users a better viewing experience.   

CENTERPIECE. Samsung says this 105-inch curved Ultra High Definition TV is the largest in the world. Photo by Rappler / Michael Josh Villanueva

The centerpiece of Samsung’s lineup is a 105-inch curved UHD TV. Samsung claims it is the largest curved UHD TV in the world, but Korean-rival LG is also debuting a similarly sized curved UHD at CES 2014.

Samsung’s version has a 21 x 9 movie-theater aspect ratio and a 11 million pixel resolution. 

While to most users the giant TV is merely a show piece, Samsung also unveiled a more attainable consumer lineup.  In 2014, the South Korean company plans to offer 10 UHD Smart TV models starting at 50-inches all the way up to 110-inches in both curved and flat form factors. –

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