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Musk’s Starlink back up after brief outage


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Musk’s Starlink back up after brief outage

STARLINK DOWN. A notice on the Starlink website announces an outage of its services.

Screenshot from Starlink website

(1st UPDATE) Starlink's services were down for about an hour earlier, affecting 41,393 users, according to outage tracking website

Elon Musk’s Starlink, the satellite unit of SpaceX, is back up after an outage that affected thousands of users, the company said on Tuesday, May 28.

“The network issue has been fully resolved,” Starlink said in a post on X.

Starlink’s services were down for about an hour earlier today, affecting 41,393 users, according to outage tracking website

SpaceX’s Starlink, which owns around 60% of the roughly 7,500 satellites orbiting Earth, is dominant in the satellite internet sphere. –

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