Filipinos unsatisfied with current telcos might just have a new option

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Filipinos unsatisfied with current telcos might just have a new option

Alecs Ongcal

The head of the country’s most diversified conglomerate San Miguel Corporation told some of the world’s business tycoons that his company is ready to switch on the Philippines’ 3rd major mobile broadband telecommunications network by 2016. Australia’s largest telecommunications company Telstra Corporation in August told its stock exchange that it is in talks with SMC for a wireless joint venture in the Philippines. Although no agreements have been reached yet, Ang told reporters in September that San Miguel will not have a problem investing in the wireless joint venture. The Australian telecom, meanwhile, remained tight-lipped on the venture, saying “no agreements have been reached in relation to these matters and there is no certainty” that the partnership will happen. “The moment we switch on our telco, it will be a superior network. We’re building a network that will provide our countrymen a good network that will work,” SMC CEO Ramon Ang had said. Currently, the country’s telecom industry is being dominated by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company and Globe Telecom.

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