New CJ Sereno shuns intrigues

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DON'T LOSE FAITH. President Aquino calls on Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno to carry on despite the challenges that she has to bear. File photo from Sereno oath-taking by Malacañang Photo Bureau
Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno told court employees to ignore rumors that her recently announced appointment is causing division among the magistrates. Sereno, 52, is poised to be the longest staying chief justice of the Philippines with 18 years before the mandatory retirement of 70, but her appointment has eased out 5 other more senior magistrates from ever being appointed to the position. Justices Antonio Carpio, Teresita Leonardo de Castro, Presbitero Velasco Jr, Arturo Brion and Diosdado Peralta did not show up at the first flag ceremony that Sereno attended as chief justice on September 3, and did not attend her oath-taking on August 25 in Malacañang. She stressed that her appointment to the post on August 24 was not politically motivated but reflected God’s will. 

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