Clinton, Sanders square off in pre-Iowa debate

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Clinton, Sanders square off in pre-Iowa debate


Democratic presidential candidates square off for a crucial debate Sunday, January 17 (Monday, January 18 in Manila), with frontrunner Hillary Clinton feeling the heat from challenger Bernie Sanders in a tightening nomination race two weeks before the first vote is cast in Iowa. The pair, along with Maryland former governor Martin O’Malley, takes the stage in Charleston, South Carolina with the temperature rising in the primary battle. All 3 are aware that their performance – the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses on February 1 – could have a crucial impact on who wins the state. The debate has the potential to be more contentious and personal than the previous three Democratic debates. Facing an uphill battle in New Hampshire and tightening polls in Iowa, Clinton recently went on the offensive – not just against Republicans, but also against Bernie Sanders, her chief rival in the Democratic nomination race. 

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