Candidates square off; tell public why they should be president

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Candidates square off; tell public why they should be president


All roads led to Cagayan de Oro City on Sunday, February 21, as presidential candidates squared off for the first of the PiliPinas 2016 Presidential Debates. Aspirants Jejomar Binay, Rodrigo Duterte, Grace Poe, Mar Roxas and Miriam Defensor Santiago answered questions on poverty, Mindanao issues, peace and order, political dynasties, among others. Some of the debate highlights: Roxas emphasized experience and took a dig at Poe by saying the Presidency is not an OJT; Roxas also hit Binay for the 2 faces of Makati City; Poe swiped back at Roxas saying that experience is no guarantee argued for a fresh perspective on issues; she and Miriam Santiago both said they reject the Enhanced Defense Cooperation (EDCA) deal between the Philippines and the US government as it undermines Philippine sovereignty; Duterte reiterated his tough stand against crime and vowed to expand the Bangsamoro Basic Law; he also hit Roxas sayin‘Daang Matuwid’ failed Mindanao. 

Checking out our live page on the debate read the candidates’ closing statements and read all the stories about the debate. 

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