Netizens pick Duterte, analysts, editors pick Poe and Roxas

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Netizens pick Duterte, analysts, editors pick Poe and Roxas

Rappler editors, researchers, reporters and partners fact-checked the first PiliPinas 2016 debate real time and did live sentiment analysis with help from its partner, Senti. At the end of every round, the Rappler editors picked the winner for the round based on the following criteria: truthfulness (values, consistency), overall impact (vision, leadership, ability to articulate thoughts), and knowledge/facts on file. The loser was judged based on the following criteria: inability to articulate thoughts, express vision and plans; inconsistency, lying, tentativeness, bluffing; lack of vision, leadership. Rappler also featured a scorecard maintained by the Movement for Good Governance, which rated the candidates on whether they were effective, ethical and empowering. Duterte dominated online ratings for the duration of the debate.  Rappler editors determined that Roxas took round 1 while Poe took rounds 2 and 3

Read about the reactions to the debate 

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