Carmelite sisters recall the night Cory Aquino hid in Cebu

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Carmelite sisters recall the night Cory Aquino hid in Cebu

It was February 22, 1986. Night was falling in Cebu City. A car approached the locked gates and towering walls of the Carmelites Monastery in Barangay Mabolo. The driver honked his horn in a pattern agreed upon with the nuns as a way to identify himself. Mother Superior Aimee heard the honking and ordered the gates opened. The driver of the car was Assemblyman Antonio Cuenco. His passenger: Corazon Aquino, the opponent of dictator Ferdinand Marcos and disputed winner of the 1986 snap election. “Are we safe here?” a worried Aquino asked Carmelite Mother Superior Aimee when she arrived in the compound. The full story by Ryan Macasero on Rappler


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