Kidnappers release MSU students

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Kidnappers release MSU students

One of the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) students, who surfaced on Monday after being kidnapped over the weekend, said they were released by their captors at dawn Monday, June 6, and not rescued by law enforcers. 18-year-old Juhari Gubat told MSU-IIT’s Office of Publication and Information that kidnappers even handed them P200 for their fare. He likewise denied they were forcibly taken into a vehicle Saturday night, June 4. Two other companions remain in captivity. Besides Gubat, also released were former MSU-IIT student Hannah Yurong and non-MSU-IIT students Kevin Limpin and Eloisa Lacson. The motive for the kidnapping remained unclear.

Read more about the kidnapping incident on Rappler.

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