Daily News Highlights – July 6, 2016 Edition

Aika Rey

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  1. PNP generals deny involvement in drugs

    The 5 police generals accused of involvement in the drug trade have all denied the allegation. The generals – Marcelo Garbo Jr, Joel Pagdilao, Edgardo Tinio, Bernardo Diaz, and Vic Loot – said in separate interviews that there was no truth to President Rodrigo Duterte’s claim. Duterte had dropped the bombshell during the celebration of the Philippine Air Force’s 69th anniversary on Tuesday, July 5.

    Read the story about Duterte’s revelations.

    Here’s more on the denials of Pagdilao, Tinio, and Diaz, as well as Garbo and Loot.

    The PNP will also conduct an investigation on the generals’ alleged links to the drug trade.

    Here’s what Senator Panfilo Lacson, former chief of the PNP, had to say about Duterte’s claim.

  2. Butchoy strengthens; monsoon brings rains

    Typhoon Butchoy again intensified further early Wednesday morning, July 6. Butchoy will not make landfall in the Philippines, but it is enhancing the southwest monsoon, which is affecting Southern Luzon and the Visayas. More rains are expected on Wednesday.

    Get the complete weather forecast on Rappler.

    Find out what mayors should do to prepare for Butchoy.

  3. DFA eyes special envoy for China talks

    Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr said the Philippines needs a “special envoy” for “backchannel” talks with China. Yasay said the special envoy could assist in resolving the two countries’ maritime dispute over the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea). An international arbitral tribunal is set to issue its ruling on the Philippines’ case against China on July 12, but Beijing has repeatedly refused to recognize the proceedings before the tribunal.

    Read more about Yasay’s remarks on the maritime dispute.

  4. PH cuts economic growth target

    The Philippines cut its economic growth target for 2016 and 2017, citing tapered election spending, slow agricultural output, and weak external trade. The new gross domestic product (GDP) target for 2016 is 6%-7%, while the revised target for 2017 is 6.5%-7.5%.

    Get more details about the government’s decision to lower the GDP growth target.

  5. San Miguel buys out MRT7 partner

    San Miguel Corporation bought the 49% stake of businessman Salvador Zamora in the $1.6-billion Metro Rail Transit Line 7 (MRT7) deal. The acquisition, worth $100 million, resulted in San Miguel owning 100% of the company which holds the exclusive right to design, construct, and complete the MRT7. The railway system will run from San Jose del Monte in Bulacan to North Avenue in Quezon City.

    Here’s the full story on the San Miguel deal.

  6. Tetangco highest paid gov’t exec in 2015

    Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Amando Tetangco Jr earned P13.957 million in 2015, making him the highest paid government official. Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) General Manager Robert Vergara was second with P13.449 million, while Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairperson Teresita Herbosa was third with P9.801 million.

    Find out who else made it to the top 20.

  7. Obama makes pitch for Clinton

    US President Barack Obama joined Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail on Tuesday, July 5 – their first joint appearance of the 2016 race. Obama made a passionate case for his former Secretary of State, telling voters in North Carolina, “I’m here today because I believe in Hillary Clinton.” The US President also hit Clinton’s rival Donald Trump, saying that the presumptive Republican nominee has nothing to offer.

    Take a look at Obama and Clinton together on the campaign trail.

  8. Theresa May is Britain PM frontrunner

    Britain’s Interior Minister Theresa May is now the clear frontrunner to replace Prime Minister David Cameron. May got 165 votes from ruling Conservative Party lawmakers, while her nearest rival, Andrea Leadsom, received just 66 votes. May had wanted Britain to stay in the European Union, but now says she will lead it out.

    Here are the latest developments in British politics.

  9. FIBA OQT: Gilas Pilipinas loses to France

    Gilas Pilipinas squandered an early lead and fell to France on the first day of the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Manila. Tony Parker led France with 21 points, 6 assists, and 5 rebounds, while Nando de Colo led all scorers with 27. Andray Blatche, meanwhile, had 21 points for Gilas. Terrence Romeo also played well with 19 points.

    Here’s a quick recap of the Gilas-France game.

    Watch the highlights of the game and take a look at the photos.

    Find out what Tony Parker said about Gilas Pilipinas.

    President Rodrigo Duterte performed the ceremonial toss before the game.

  10. Will next Miss Universe pageant be in PH?

    The Philippines’ Department of Tourism confirmed that the country is being considered to host the Miss Universe pageant in 2017. According to a PTV report, DOT Secretary Wanda Teo met with Miss Universe president Paula Shugart and other executives of the organization, but nothing is final yet.

    Check out this story on the country’s possible hosting of the Miss Universe pageant.

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Aika Rey

Aika Rey is a business reporter for Rappler. She covered the Senate of the Philippines before fully diving into numbers and companies. Got tips? Find her on Twitter at @reyaika or shoot her an email at aika.rey@rappler.com.