Clark is country’s fastest growing airport

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Photo by: Jerick Parrone
Clark International Airport recorded a 71% increase in international and domestic passengers in 2012 compared to 2011, making it the country’s fastest growing airport. It accounted for 1.3 million passengers, many of them taking advantage of budget travel. Victor Jose Luciano, Clark International Corp president and CEO said the number of domestic passengers surged, recording a 613% increase in 2012 compared to 2011, when Air Asia, Airphil Express and Seair-Tiger flew to prime tourist destinations in the country. There were 299,883 passengers in 2012 compared to only 42,086 domestic passengers in 2011. Even international passengers accounted for 77% of total volume, recording over a million in 2012, compared to 725,023 in 2011. Luciano said growth is expected to be sustained in 2013 as connectivity to Metro Manila is improved.

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