Pessimists live longer?

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HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? German study says pessimists live longer.

Older pessimists tend to live longer than optimists, a study by a German research institute has found. “It is possible that a pessimistic outlook leads elderly people to look after themselves and their health better and take greater precautions against risks,” Frieder Lang, one of the researchers said Thursday, February 27. In contrast, older people who are optimists face a 10% higher mortality risk, and are more prone to developing physical health problems, the Berlin-based DIW think tank said. The research team analyzed data over a 10-year period starting 1993. They covered the same people belonging to 3 different age groups, and who were asked every year about their level of life satisfaction. They were also asked how satisfied they expected to be in 5 years. DIW said it appears that “older people who have a lower expectation of how contented they will be in the future lead longer and healthier lives than those who believe their future is rosy.”

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