North Korea threatens to wipe-out South Korean island

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North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un threatened to "wipe out" a South Korean island as Pyongyang came under new economic and diplomatic fire Tuesday, March 12, from US sanctions and UN charges of gross rights abuses

Military tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen to its highest level in years following threats by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un to “wipe out” the South Korean border island of Baengnyeong. North Korea came under new economic and diplomatic fire this week with the US imposing sanctions and the United Nations filing charges of gross rights abuses in response to Pyongyang’s third atomic test last month. Civilian emergency shelters on the island had been fully stocked and all village councils put on high alert. The disputed sea border off the west coast was the scene of deadly naval clashes in 1999, 2002 and 2009. In 2010, 46 people were killed when the South Korean naval vessel Cheonan was sunk in the area of Baengnyeong.

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