Church tarps now highlight pro-, anti-mining bets

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The Diocese of Marbel will be hanging tarpaulins showing which local candidates are supportive of or opposed to open pit mining in South Cotabato

JUST INFORMING. Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez says the tarps will only say where the candidates stand on the issue. Photo by Edwin Espejo
First, the Reproductive Health (RH) law. Now, it’s the issue on mining that’s on tarpaulins being put up by local churches. In South Cotabato, the Diocese of Marbel is planning to put up tarpaulins highlighting pro- and anti-mining candidates once the campaign period for local posts stats on March 29. The tarpaulins will be put up in entrances of parishes across the Diocese, said Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez, who is a staunch opponent of the open-pit mining operation in his area. Gutierrez said the tarps’ aim is just to inform voters, not to campaign for or against any candidate.

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