Who will you elect on May 13? Read, watch & vote


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There are only two weeks left to go before the polls. Have you made your choice yet?

Rappler believes in a smart vote, and we believe it starts with getting to know the candidates. To help you make an informed choice, we did extensive research on the senatorial candidates and organized everything we know about them in our interactive candidate briefs. Each brief includes the personal biography of the candidate, career timelines, position taken on issues, ranking in the surveys and related stories and video.

Use these resources to find out which ones are worthy of your vote. Once you have selected your bets, help spread the word about these candidates by answering Rappler’s poll on the upper right hand corner of each candidate’s page and sharing your response on social media. Click either YES or NO to indicate whether or not you are voting for a particular candidate. If you changed your mind and want to cancel your vote, click again on the button you originally voted on to cancel your previous vote. In the tradition of Rappler’s Mood Meter and Mood Navigator, the list of names will also rank candidates based on the percentage of votes he or she received. Start that ripple of change today. Help the country vote smart.

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