Summer bayanihan at Brigada Eskwela

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CLEAN AND GREEN. LCLC volunteers cleaning a classroom at Balubal Elementary schoolWith the opening of the classes set to occur next month, thousands of volunteers troop to public elementary and high schools nationwide for the annual Brigada Eskwela program. A flagship project of the Department of Education, the program brings together volunteers, teachers, parents and students to clean up the classrooms and prepare the school buildings for another school year. Rappler contributor and teacher Samuel Macagba writes about how his students from the Xavier University High School in Cagayan de Oro City volunteered for the first time. “They realized that their participation was meaningful most especially in the lives of students who deserve to be in a conducive environment for learning,” wrote Macagba. The Brigada Eskwela program will run from May 20 to 24, 2013.

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