Mandela, Prince Philip both in hospital

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Two global personalities who are 90+ years old are in the hospital: Prince Philip the longest-serving royal consort in British history, and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. The royal patriarch who is 92 and is recovering from exploratory abdominal surgery, is considered as UK Queen Elizabeth II’s “strength and stay all these years.” Mandela, the frail 94-year-old who is back in hospital with a lung infection, is beloved by most most South Africans for the “Rainbow Nation” he strived for despite endless persecution at the hands of white apartheid rulers. Mandela paved the way for peaceful reconciliation, which he selflessly strived for despite being incarcerated by the apartheid government for 27 years, and which saw the fragile nation sidestep civil war.

Read more about Nelson Mandela on Rappler
Read more about Prince Philip on Rappler 

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