Black flag movement and 9/11

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12 years after 9/11, the ties that bind social networks believed to be involved in terrorist activities are also behind the bombings in Mindanao. This global social movement is using the black flag as a rallying symbol for their cause. The flag is a symbol of unity that taps into a secret motivation of al-Qaeda. According to Ali Soufan, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the black flag heralds the apocalypse that will bring about the triumph of Islam. Soufan wrote the book, “The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al-Qaeda.” Authorities are committing a mistake when they view the threat as being led by a top-down command and control leadership, when the ideology is moving through social networks and recruiting members bottom up. Khilafah Islamiyah — a group that has sprung from the same social network — is said to be headed by Reneer Lou “Ren-ren” Dongon, who has familial ties with the founder of the Abu Sayyaf, Khaddafy Janjalani, and the Jemaah Islamiya.

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