Pinay among dead in Tiananmen car blaze

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ACCIDENT SCENE. Policemen walk past barriers and fire vehicles outside Tiananmen Gate in Beijing on October 28, 2013 after a vehicle crashed near the area. AFP / Ed Jones

Five people died and 38 people are injured after a vehicle crashed through a barrier in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on Monday, October 28. Citing a report by the Philippine Embassy in China, the Philippine foreign affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez confirmed a Filipina tourist was among those killed in the car crash. Hernandez said 3 other Filipinos – a male and two females – were also injured and brought to the hospital. Pictures posted on Chinese social media sites showed black smoke rising from the burning shell of the SUV. In a statement, Beijing police said a jeep crashed into the guardrail on Jinshui Bridge before it caught fire.

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