EU, US trade spying accusations

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PY NEST? A tourist photographs the embassy of the United States at Pariser Platz in Berlin, Germany, 28 October 2013. EPA/Maurizio Gambarini

Europe and Washington traded spying accusations Wednesday, October 30, as envoys met to seek ways to rebuild trust after shock revelations about the scale and scope of US surveillance of its allies. A German intelligence delegation and a separate group of EU lawmakers were in the US capital to confront their American allies about the alleged bugging of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s phone. The visit coincided with the latest in a series of newspaper reports based on leaked National Security Agency files, this one alleging US agents hacked into cables used by Google and Yahoo. President Barack Obama’s spy chiefs are on the defensive over the reports, arguing that all countries spy on one another, and that the allies should discuss a new working relationship.

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