Miriam to Napoles: Tell all or be assassinated


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The supposed brains behind the pork barrel scam got free legal advice from no less than Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago in Thursday’s Senate Blue Ribbon Inquiry. After listening to Napoles’ denials for hours, Santiago told Napoles there’s a difference between saying she does not know the answer and invoking her right against self-incrimination. Santiago, known for her fits of temper said in good humor, “I just asked you who you spoke with and you say, “I invoke my right?!” Halloween is over, there are no more ghosts.” Santiago advised Napoles to tell all and turn state witness, warning her that there are serious consequences to her silence. “If [Sen. Juan Ponce] Enrile is the most guilty, say it now so they won’t have you killed… Don’t underestimate Enrile. That old man still has venom.” The senator told Napoles that only by turning state witness can she avoid 20 to 40 years imprisonment in the plunder case. “I will give you this counsel: Tell the truth before the senators affected have you assassinated.”

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