Track foreign aid

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FAiTH. Screenshot of the Foreign Aid Transparency Hub (FAiTH) website on Sunday, November 17.

Responding to calls for transparency in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), the government has launched an online tracker of humanitarian aid given by foreign countries and organizations. The Foreign Aid Transparency Hub (FAiTH) is “an online portal of information on calamity aid and assistance – both in cash and in kind – that are received by the Philippines from other countries, multilateral organizations, and those sent through Philippine embassies abroad.” As of November 17, FAiTH, which can be accessed at, reported that the Philippines has received a total of P9.11 billion worth of foreign aid, with P4.73 bilion in cash, P2.09 billion in non-cash donations, and P2.29 billion in pledges.

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