Solons working on supplemental budget for disaster aid

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'NO PATRONAGE.' Senate President Franklin Drilon says the Supreme Court decision will "dismantle the system of political patronage." He opts for a supplemental budget to fund disaster rehabilitation. Photo by Joseph Vidal/Senate PRIB

Following a Supreme Court ruling that declared the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) as unconstitutional, lawmakers are hoping to pass a supplemental budget to aid those hit hard by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). Senate President Franklin Drilon said he would discuss the proposal with House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr, hoping that a passed supplemental budget can be certified as urgent by the President. Before the Supreme Court decision, lawmakers intended to realign the PDAF to help calamity victims.

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Read about the Supreme Court ruling on the PDAF on Rappler.

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