Thank you, Manny Pacquiao

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EXPLOSIVE. Brandon Rios suffered cuts above both eyes but says he was not hurt during the fight. Photo by Team Pacquiao / Mike Young

It was a much-needed break from two weeks of grief and a stream of sad news after Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). Coming off two losses in 2012, Manny Pacquiao outboxed and outsmarted a less experienced and younger opponent, American Brandon Rios, on Sunday, November 24, at Cotai, Arena, in Macau. The boxing legend won the WBO International Welterweight title via a unanimous decision and in front of an overwhelmingly pro-Pacquiao sellout crowd of over 13,200. Filipinos back home, especially the survivors of Yolanda, cheered and thanked him, his victory boosted their spirits. “I promised them after the fight I will go to Tacloban to visit them,” Pacquiao said about the survivors. (I plan to go) as soon as possible.”

Read all stories on the Pacquiao fight here.

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