Too many meetings in Haiyan disaster response

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FIRST RESPONDERS. Team Albay arrived in Tacloban November 10, two days after Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) ravaged the city. Photo from Gov Joey Salceda's Facebook page

Dr Nats Rempillo of Team Albay said too many meetings held in Tacloban City after the typhoon delayed relief efforts. One of the first local government units to reach the city, Team Albay saw first-hand the confusion and lawlessness in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Rempillo said that although chaos is expected in disaster situations, it could be prevented by having meetings weeks before to establish systems and protocols. In the case of Haiyan, Rempillo said there were too many meetings at the top, but nothing on the ground was happening. The administration came under fire for delayed relief efforts; it took days before some towns finally received help. Rempillo said coordination, planning, and establishing early warning systems are key to better disaster response.

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