Napoles’ ex-lawyer: It did not seem likely she would tell the truth

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After resigning as the lead counsel of Janet Napoles lawyer Lorna Kapunan said she is concerned about her former client and the legal strategies she is adopting. Kapunan resigned in October ahead of Napoles’ Senate testimony because of differences in strategies with a collaborating counsel. During Napoles’ appearance at the Senate, the alleged pork barrel queen was evasive. Kapunan said “it did not seem likely that she was going to tell the truth” because of “many influences.” Kapunan added she was more concerned about her now. “There does not seem to be any concerted legal effort at giving her solid advice. I had said that she is in a peculiar point in history where she can play a pivotal role either as the worst villain or the best hero this country can ever have.”  In previous interviews, Kapunan said Napoles was the scapegoat of politicians who misused their pork barrel.  She said Napoles was unfairly portrayed as the face of corruption. “People need a face for their enemy… Sadly she became that face and so did I.”

Read more on Talk Thursday with Atty. Lorna Kapunan.
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