Solons and Cabinet Secretaries: Who are the wealthiest?

Valerie Castro

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File photo by Malacañang Photo Bureau

Two of the wealthiest members of the House of Representatives – at least on record – come from the Philippines’ poorest region, the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Maguindanao 2nd district Representative Zajid Mangudadatu (P215.8M) and Tawi-Tawi Representative Ruby Sahali (P173.72M) belong to the 20 wealthiest members of the lower house based on their 2013 Statement of Assets, Liablities and Net Worth. Both are neophyte House members who belong to powerful political clans in the South. Mangudadatu is the brother of Maguindanao Governor Esmael Mangudadatu, while Sahali is the daughter of former Tawi-Tawi governor Sadikul Sahali. The 3 wealthiest in the Aquino Cabinet, on the other hand, are former businessmen: Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez, and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima.

Read the full story on House members on Rappler.

Read the full story on the Cabinet Secretaries’ wealth on Rappler.

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