The foiled (great) escape

Ernest John Fiestan

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When Chief Justice Renato Corona abruptly left the Senate session hall on Tuesday, May 22, he appeared well. A guard, assigned to the fire exit where the Chief Justice headed, said that Corona appeared to weaken only after he found out he would not be allowed to leave and that the exit door was closed. This was upon the instructions of presiding officer Juan Ponce Enrile who barred the exit of anyone from the Senate premises. Journalist Marites Vitug says the video and photos of Corona show no pain or discomfort on his part as he was stopped by Senate security guards, contrary to what defense lawyers claimed. His counsels said the diabetic Corona was already feeling unwell toward the latter part of his 3-hour testimony, forcing him to abruptly leave, even without being properly discharged by the Enrile.

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