Basas, Coronas kiss and make up?

Michelle Fernandez

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From washing their dirty linens in public and the surprising May 25 reconciliation after 3 decades of war, the story of Cristina Corona and her Basa relatives provided television viewers a real life drama. What does the kissing and making up mean? The Basas claim they were caught by surprise and overcame by emotions when the wife of impeached Chief Justice Renato Corona reached out to them while they were seated at the Senate hall. The Basas have previously lambasted the Corona couple for allegedly cheating them on the assets of the Basa Guidote Enterprises Inc (BGEI), a family enterprise. Days before, the Chief Justice himself called their dad a spoiled brat. On May 27, the Basas released a statement that said healing will “take time” and that “the truth must be made evident.” Will the family drama continue even after the impeachment trial?

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