Footballers turn into fashion icons

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Photo by Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA

The World Cup happening in Brazil isn’t just about football. It’s also about tattoos, hairstyles, clothes and the big business of setting trends. Footballers arrive at airports, training sessions, press conferences and matches with carefully crafted looks, conscious that a new hairdo or tattoo can set social media networks abuzz – and that global brands with multimillion-dollar sponsorship deals are watching. Cristiano Ronaldo when he emerged from the dressing room for Sunday’s match against the United States with what looked like a lightning bolt shaved into the side of his head. Brazil’s star striker Neymar, 22, meanwhile appeared in the magazine’s Brazilian edition with supermodel Gisele Bundchen. And French striker Olivier Giroud, 27, turned heads by posing bare-chested for gay magazine Tetu.

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