Disputed vote brings uncertainty to Indonesia


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Dahana Kencana/EPA

Indonesia faces a long period of uncertainty after last week’s disputed presidential election until results are announced on July 22. Southeast Asia’s top economy growth sits at four-year lows, foreign investment has slowed down and corruption remains rife. After a bitterly-fought campaign, Jakarta governor Joko Widodo and his rival, ex-general Prabowo Subianto, both used unofficial tallies to claim they had won. Most credible counts showed Jokowi in the lead, sparking a rally in stocks and the rupiah, but the initial euphoria quickly wore off. The Jakarta stock market slumped as much as 2% the following day, and was 1.3% down at the close as investors dreaded a prolonged deadlock. Investors favor Jokowi, seen as a potential reformer and a clean leader, while Prabowo struck a fiercely nationalistic attitude towards foreign investments.

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