Germany wins 2014 World Cup with Götze goal as Pope stays above the fray

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Germany beats Argentina to win the World Cup after Mario Götze broke the deadlock in the second half of extra time with a beautiful left kick. Argentinian Superstar Lionel Messi had a chance to tie with a free kick late into extra time but his shot went way over the post. Germany’s win sparked an explosion of joy in their homeland and in host nation Brazil, which had dreaded the prospect of South American rival Argentina winning the title on its territory. Brazil’s traumatic World Cup ended with more pain on Saturday, as it lost 3-0 to Netherlands in the third-place playoff. Meantime, Football fan Pope Francis stayed neutral ahead of the World Cup final between his native Argentina and Germany. He tweeted from his @pontifex account: “The World Cup allowed people from different countries and religions to come together. May sport always promote the culture of encounter.”

Read the full story on Rappler.

Read more on Brazil’s tragic third place playoff.

Read more on Pope Francis and the World Cup.

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