21 towns warned against ‘Glenda’ storm surge


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21 towns warned against ‘Glenda’ storm surge

At least 21 municipalities in the Bicol region, Quezon, and Samar were warned against a possible storm surge caused by Typhoon Glenda (Rammasun). The government’s Project NOAH or Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards said the highest predicted storm surge – 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) – could happen in Ragay, Camarines Sur. Other areas where the predicted surge above sea level is from 2.51 to 3 meters are Catbalogan, Gandara, and Sta Margarita in Samar; Del Callego in Camarines Sur; and Guinayangan in Quezon. Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) caused storm surges that went as high as 6 meters (19 feet).

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