Rebels release bodies, plane’s black boxes

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Rebels release bodies, plane’s black boxes


A train carrying the bodies of 280 crash victims in the Malaysian plane disaster was allowed to leave rebel-controlled territory in Ukraine, even as pro-Russian separatists turned over two black boxes recovered from the crash site of Flight MH17 to Malaysian officials on Tuesday, July 22. One of the boxes is expected to hold a recording of all conversation in the cockpit and contain all flight data. A Malaysian team of experts and representatives of the separatist group then signed a protocol before the black boxes were handed over. The separatists likewise declared a ceasefire spanning a 10-kilometer radius around the crash site. This is to allow investigators access to the site where the Malaysian plane was believed to have been shot by a surface-to-air missile on Thursday, July 17.

Read the full story on Rappler.

Related stories are in the New York Times and The Washington Post.

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