MVP sorry, fans furious over NBA game blunder

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Photo by Josh Albelda/Rappler

A red-faced Manuel V. Panglinan on July 23 apologized to Filipino fans who paid to see an exhibition game between NBA stars and the country’s national team Gilas Pilipinas – only to settle for practice drills and workouts. The tycoon, chairman of PLDT and top Gilas patron said, “It was a sudden turn of events and we, ourselves, are disappointed with the way things developed contrary to our expectations.” The Last Home Stand basketball charity event on July 22 turned from a spectacle to a disaster in a matter of hours after the 5-on-5 game was scrapped. Fans stormed out of the event; they paid anywhere from P750 (about $17) to P23,300 (about $535) to watch the game. The NBA didn’t allow the game to push through because the organizers failed to meet the league’s deadline and they “didn’t take the necessary steps” that would have allowed the NBA players to participate in an exhibition game.

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