Should these 3 former lawmakers be charged for plunder too?

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Should these 3 former lawmakers be charged for plunder too?

While more than 100 current and former senators and congressmen were identified by state auditors to have misused their discretionary Priority Development Assistance Fund from 2007 to 2009, less than 10 of them have been charged for plunder – even fewer, 3, have been arrested. Rappler reviews the list of lawmakers whose P6.16 billion worth of pork barrel were channeled to bogus NGOs and estimates how much is 40-50% of their misused funds, based on the rates for commissions that whistleblowers say these officials got. Based on the figures, 4 lawmakers may have received at least P50 million each, the threshold for plunder, although one of them died last year. They are former senator Edgardo Angara, former Surigao del Sur representative Prospero Pichay Jr, former Malabon-Navotas Representative Alvin Sandoval, and the late former Sarangani Representative Erwin Chiongbian.

Read the full story here.

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