Israel, Hamas resume rocket attacks

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Israel, Hamas resume rocket attacks

Rocket fire in strife-torn Gaza resumed late Saturday, July 26, after Hamas said it will not honor Israel’s extension of the humanitarian ceasefire unless Israeli tanks are withdrawn from the besieged territory. Israel’s cabinet “approved the UN request regarding a humanitarian ceasefire to run until midnight (2100 GMT) Sunday (July 27),” but Hamas confirmed it fired rockets towards southern Israel and Tel Aviv as soon as the initial 12-hour ceasefire ended. In retaliation, Israel resumed its attacks on the coastal territory, and in the initial salvo, 3 people inside the Strip were killed. The conflict, which started July 8 over the kidnap and murder of 3 Israeli boys and a Palestinian boy in separate incidents, has now claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Palestinians and 45 Israelis.

Read more on the ceasefire extension that never was, here and here on Rappler.


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