Plane disasters and the fear of flying

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Plane disasters and the fear of flying

After 3 major air disasters in one week, many passengers feel uneasy about boarding their flights. On Internet forums, fear of flying is rampant among passengers. One passenger wrote, “My hands are shaking so much right now it’s hard to type. This is four incidents on commercial aircraft in six months.” Even International Air Transport Association director Tony Tyler admitted people are questioning air safety. But passengers are being reassured it’s still safe to fly on planes. The latest scare comes after planes went down with no survivors in Ukraine and Mali, and another aircraft crashed in Taiwan. Over the weekend, Dutch authorities identified the first of the 298 people killed when Flight MH17 was shot down. The incident has also claimed another victim: a 93-year-old man from Netherlands who succumbed to the “indescribable grief” of losing his daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren in the crash.

Read the full story on Rappler.

Read the story of the “heart-broken” father.

Read the story of the first victim identified.

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