Man pointing gun at taxi driver sparks anger on social media

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Man pointing gun at taxi driver sparks anger on social media

In a video that made rounds on Facebook this week, two drivers were caught in a heated argument in the middle of a flyover along EDSA and near Camp Crame. A man wearing a blue shirt kicked the door of a white taxi and tried to stop its driver from getting out. He pulled out a gun as the taxi driver emerged holding a sharp-pointed object. The two argued for a while, before the man in the blue shirt put his gun away and drove off in his Mercedes Benz. But the taxi driver took off after the car, cutting it off at another side of EDSA for another round of confrontation. The video was shot from inside one of the public buses plying EDSA. A Facebook user echoes the general view: “People like these should be stripped off their gun licenses”. The video had 35,603 shares before it was taken down Saturday, but was reposted by another user.

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