Charter change: Up to Aquino’s ‘bosses’

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File photo from Malacañang Photo Bureau

Look who’s singing a different tune. After years of categorically rejecting any move to amend the 1987 Constitution, the Aquino administration is now saying that an extension of term for the president – which the Constitution bans – would eventually depend on the wishes of his “bosses.” Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda made the statement at a news briefing, in response to the pronouncement of Interior Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II, the expected standard bearer of the Liberal Party in the 2016 polls, that President Benigno Aquino III should have a second term so he can continue his reforms. Lacierda noted that “many” others share the same sentiment, and that even a Facebook page has been devoted to the issue.  Aquino “will consider the voice of the people, the voice of his bosses…. The President is sensitive to the voice of his bosses. So let’s just wait for that.”

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