Condom law dampens Los Angeles porn industry

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Condom law dampens Los Angeles porn industry

A regulation meant to encourage condom use in the fight against AIDS has seen the number of Los Angeles pornography productions in free fall. Nonprofit FilmL.A., which issues the permits, said that 480 permits to film porn in the region were granted in 2012, only to plummet to 40 in 2013 and 20 in 2014. Porn production executive Steven Hirsch said the county “is the only place where people are required to wear a condom” on a pornography set. Hirsch believed that a system in place for years – which requires actors to take an HIV test before taking on a porn role – “worked extremely well.” Hirsch said not one person became infected from porn work in 10 years. Known as Measure B, the law is driving porn productions to nearby counties and other states like Nevada or even abroad.

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