Erap-Koko word war

Michelle Fernandez

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NO CHEATER. Former President Joseph Estrada defends Miguel Zubiri, saying he did not cheat in the 2007 polls. File photo from Senate website

In a letter, Sen Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III told former President Joseph Estrada, a key leader of the opposition United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), that he can’t stand running alongside a “cheat,” referring to former Sen Miguel Zubiri. Pimentel and Zubiri are among the candidates being groomed by UNA for next year’s senatorial race. But the two were locked in an electoral dispute in 2007, which Pimentel eventually won. Estrada refused to budge and insisted Zubiri will stay with UNA. He even advised Pimentel to learn to forgive, in the same way that he had forgiven his father, former Senator Pimentel, for abandoning him when he was ousted as president in 2001.

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