Strongest quake in 25 years hits San Francisco Bay area

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It was the first major earthquake to hit the San Francisco Bay area in the age of social media.  At 3:20 am, a 6.1 intensity quake struck near American Canyon about 40 miles or 64 kilometers northeast of San Francisco, waking people up as far east as Sacramento and as far south as Santa Cruz. The most powerful earthquake to hit the area since the 6.9-magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 injured more than 120 people in Napa Valley. It severely damaged historic buildings in downtown Napa. Electricity was cut off.  Gas lines and water mains were ruptured across Napa, Sonoma and Solano counties and sparked multiple fires.  Roads were closed down after the earthquake shifted the ground and cracked highways. Nearly 100 aftershocks followed, and authorities warn of more aftershocks in the next two weeks.

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