Suspension on firm behind biggest mining disaster in PH lifted

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Photo from Philex

The Philippines’ mines bureau lifted the suspension order on Philex Mining Corporation’s Padcal mine in Tuba, Benguet, two years after a breach in its drainage tunnel caused a disastrous spill of mining sediments into Benguet rivers. The company paid P1.034 billion (US$23.6 million) in fine for discharging 20.7 million tons of tailings to the Balog and Agno Rivers – the biggest mining disaster in the country in terms of volume. It also paid P188.6 million ($4.3 million) to the Pollution Adjudication Board for the environmental damage caused by the spill, and an additional P5 billion ($114.4 million) for the clean-up of waterways polluted by the spill.

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