UN negotiating demands with Syrian hostage takers


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UN negotiating demands with Syrian hostage takers


Fiji revealed for the first time Tuesday, September 2, the demands being made by Al-Qaeda-linked Syria rebels who took more than 40 UN peacekeepers hostage in the Golan Heights last week. The Pacific nation’s army chief Mosese Tikoitoga said the rebels wanted their organization, the Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front, to be removed from the United Nation’s list of terrorist organizations. He said they also wanted humanitarian aid sent to a small town which is an Al-Nusra stronghold just outside Damascus and were demanding compensation for three of their fighters who had been hurt in recent days. The military commander said a UN team had arrived in the Golan Heights from New York to take over negotiations with the rebels and every effort was being used to secure their freedom. Meanwhile, President Aquino called on the Philippine military to provide a full report on the escape of Philippine troops from a besieged position in the Golan Heights.

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