Government: No undue delay in Zamboanga rehab

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Government: No undue delay in Zamboanga rehab

As deaths continue to rise among the internally displaced in Zamboanga a year after rebels laid siege to the city, Malacañang defended government’s efforts, saying there is no undue delay in the city’s rehabilitation. Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr said on Tuesday, September 9 that it was not possible to complete the resettlement of internally displaced persons due to the “sheer number of families” that need permanent housing. “So there is no undue delay that’s being referred to. We are doing all we need to in order to move affected families from temporary to permanent housing,” said Coloma. Zamboanga City Mayor Isabelle “Beng” Climaco admitted the number in deaths among internally displaced people (IDP) has risen since the conflict. A separate United Nations report said IDP deaths have gone up to 158 in August, from 147 in July.

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