Many ‘high-energy objects’ hit Malaysia Airlines plane

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Many ‘high-energy objects’ hit Malaysia Airlines plane


The crash of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was caused by external forces, the Dutch Safety Board said in a preliminary report released on Tuesday, September 9. The Boeing 777 was blown out of the sky over eastern Ukraine as it was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, killing all on board including 193 Dutch citizens. There were also 3 Filipinos on board. The investigators also said that based on the pattern of the wreckage on the ground “suggests that the aircraft split into pieces during flight (an in-flight break up).” While the preliminary report from Dutch investigators does not point the finger of blame over the July air disaster, it could heighten Western pressure against Moscow over its role in the bloody Ukraine conflict. Shortly after the release of the report, pro-Russian rebels in east Ukraine said they did not have the capability to shoot down MH17.

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