AFP chief to military cadets: Follow orders

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AFP chief to military cadets: Follow orders

Two weeks after Filipino troops defied the order of their United Nations commander is the Golan Heights, Philippine military chief General Gregorio Catapang Jr reminded cadets of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) about the value of following orders. During the recognition rites of PMA Class 2018, Catapang said, “Before you become leaders, you have to follow orders.” The Filipino troops’ defiance sparked questions about the peacekeeping operations of the UN. On August 28, UN Disengagement Observer Force commander Lieutenant General Iqbal Singha ordered the Filipinos to surrender their firearms to Syrian rebels who stormed UN encampments. The Filipinos refused, triggering a standoff and later executing an escape mission which their commanders in Manila approved. Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario will meet UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon next week to discuss the Philippines’ “operational and tactical issues” concerning the deployment of peacekeepers to Golan Heights.

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